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Know Your Contractual Deadlines

The Negotiated Agreement between WCTA and the Washington County Board of Education includes a number of specific deadlines as well as specific windows of time by which certain decisions and notifications must be made. Please note the following to ensure that you know the dates pertinent to your needs and other obligations.

Certifications Submissions to state will be accepted 90 days before lapse

Deadline to WCPS is lapsing date (6/30 or 12/31)

Sick Leave Bank Annual enrollment period August 1-October 1

New hires within 30 days or hire

Healthcare Annual enrollment period, usually in May

New hires within 30 days of hire



Unpaid Leaves


30 days before the leave or as soon as the leave is knowable




February 1


Tenured Teachers

Non-Tenured Teachers

Non-Certificated Employees


July 15

May 1

Can resign at anytime (professionalism says two weeks)




Voluntary transfer: February 1-May 15

Involuntary transfer: Notice given no later than May 1 (unless it is an emergency)

Voluntary Transfer Extension
(a.k.a. the Dream Job application)
The request must be submitted via Applitrack by May 15.
Grievances Step 1: 30 days from incident or knowledge of the violation

Step 2: 10 days from the Level 1 decision

Step 3: Hearing with Superintendent and/or designated representative

Appeal: 15 days from Superintendent’s Step 3 decision

Tuition Reimbursement Courses must be pre-approved

Reimbursement only for grades of “B” or higher


Reimbursement Request Deadlines:

Summer Courses: October 15

Fall Courses: March 15

Spring Courses: July 15




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